graphic designer

graphic designer job


graphic designer job

Graphic designer job description

What is the job of a graphic designer?

What are the duties of a graphic designer?

graphic designer job

Creating magnificent posters, advertisements, websites… which appeal to the client and the people who will see them, effectively conveying the message that the client wishes to deliver, having an exciting profession… so many reasons that motivate students in multi-media visual communication to become a graphic designer. To see more clearly, we are going to take stock of this profession, and the missions of this image profession

Graphic designer job description

This professional, also known as a multimedia graphic designer, puts his talent at the service of a sponsor or an agency to design aesthetic visuals on various media (web pages, print media, CD-ROMs, TV packaging and online games, etc.). Its creation must be in line with the graphic charter of the client and meet the commercial challenges. The graphic designer can exercise his function within an advertising agency, an IT company, a web agency or work on his own account. To be able to perform this function, this creative professional must know the latest trends in graphic design, marketing, press and communication techniques and master graphic tools and programming tools for the animation and development of websites.

The graphic designer works under the direction of a product manager to design communication media (website design, pictograms, etc.), graphics (illustrations, visual identity or logo, flyers, etc.), animations (motion design). Given these many tasks, this job could not be easy, especially if this professional is self-employed.

Regarding the training to follow to become a graphic designer, obtaining a baccalaureate is first imperative (ideally a baccalaureate in applied arts or technological baccalaureate), then he must pursue at least a baccalaureate + 2 or to be a good graphic designer, continue his studies until a baccalaureate + 5 in a school of visual communication. Generally, companies hire graduates of schools of applied arts or BTS in computer science with training in graphic design. A license or bachelor’s degree in digital creation, motion design graphics, visual communication, video game computer graphics… also help to quickly access this profession.

In all cases, applicants must have a good command of DTP software, the ADOBE suite and software used in the design of websites. With experience, this professional can claim the position of project manager, creative director or artistic director.

In addition to these skills, qualities such as intellectual curiosity, open-mindedness, adaptability as well as strong aesthetic sense, good interpersonal skills, flexibility and strong personality are essential for the exercise of this function. Finally, a sense of organization and good resistance to stress are also qualities required to exercise this profession over the long term.

As for the salary of this image professional, he can receive the minimum salary of 2000 euros at the start of his career. After a few years of experience, he can claim a more attractive salary of 3,800 euros. Those who work freelance can, for their part, offer variable rates depending on the time spent in creation. For the design of a company logo, it can for example offer a price between 800 euros to 3,500 euros on average against 4,000 euros for a brochure and 150 euros to 5,000 euros for a poster.

What is the job of a graphic designer?

As we said above, this job requires great creativity, great imagination in addition to artistic talents and graphic culture. This professional is also in great demand in the world where versatility is necessary to pursue his activities.

In fact, this job consists of using your artistic talent and creativity as well as your knowledge of computer software to create visuals and texts according to the needs of the commissioner. Orders can relate to the creation of a logo, a poster, advertisements, a magazine, flyers, packaging, the graphic design of a website, a video game… Everything that affects our daily lives thus enters into the field of competence of this professional.

In addition, a graphic designer can only design illustrations, animations, the model of a magazine or a website… Whatever his specialty and his workload, his creation must always be in line with the identity visual of the brand or company. He will have to convey his message in an attractive, memorable and relevant way in order to increase his sponsor’s prospects. Work with the client is essential for the duration of the collaboration in order to better translate its objectives into graphic concepts.

In fact, the line between a graphic designer and a graphic designer is a bit blurred. But we can say that the first can touch the other artistic tools like painting, or drawing while the graphic designer only supports web design. The latter can also intervene in all stages of creation: creation, execution and printing or publication. The design phase is very important if he works in a communication agency. For those who work in an advertising or press agency, they must ensure printing and publication.

What are the duties of a graphic designer?

The job of a graphic designer-illustrator differs a little from the graphic designer because the former generally only designs business cards, posters, packaging, logos, advertising brochures, announcements, etc. The animation part and the design of the website model do not fall within his area of ​​expertise.

Here is a summary of the missions of this image professional who is neither an artist nor a computer scientist:

– It supports the design of the graphic universe of a product. To do this, he first meets the client in order to get a better idea of ​​his expectations, his objectives, the type of clients he wishes to target. These exchanges also allow him to better translate the ideas of the commissioner into images. If he cannot meet the client directly, for example, he works in a web agency, he will have to read the specifications, \

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